Thursday, April 3, 2014

Play dough magic

Play dough is that fun activity that either is a hit or isn't, but I think with a little extra something we can take the boring ball of dough and make it into hours of fun for your little ones! In my experience it just takes a little something to draw the child's interest if they aren't into just the play dough. I like that you can make your own and you can add a scent or glitter! I recently found out you can make it edible!
First let's talk about the play dough tools. I know there are kits but you can literally make your own! Cookie cutters are always a go to but you can really use so many things! Cars to drive through it, buttons to push in it, cups to squish it in and tons more! Recently I found out that Melissa and Doug  has a blog! This where I found the play dough creation station!

I was thinking after I read all their great ideas that of course my child needs a little creative inspiration! It really changed how we played with play dough. 

I don't own a fancy wooden box but I do own a Tupperware veggie tray!

So that's it! Get inspired and make your own creation station! Get a play hammer and some play nails for your builder. Some sparkly jewels for your princess or pirate and let them epxlore! 

So here are the recipes and what I love is you can customize your play dough to your tool set! 

So first up is Ice cream play dough And no I'm not joking. You can eat it, you can scoop it and you can lick it!

know! Mind officially blown!

Do you love the smell of play dough? I do not and this recipe is wonderful because it smells like summer! Lemony play dough

Get out your straws for this one!

This next recipe smells great, looks cool and is fun to make. Glitter play dough  

Pretty amazing stuff!

I think it's safe to say play dough will never be the same old ball of dough in your house any more! 

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